
Ready to join the crew ?

Our jobs

Ahoy Matey, the Old Skull Games ship is looking for new recruits to increase its ranks!
Do you want to become a true pirate and travel the seas with us?
You can apply to our job offers right below!

How do we recruit?

If you’re here, you may have applied for a job or you are willing to do so and don’t know what happens after that. Don’t panic, here’s a video and a short explanation of our recruitment process.

Just so you know, we are committed to responding to every application. The recruitment process can take a long time and sometimes it can last 1 to 2 months, or even longer depending on the position and the timing of the projects.

Interviews at OSG are really to be considered as a moment of exchange. The idea is to be as transparent as possible about each other’s expectations.

4 steps

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    Phone contact with Human Resources.

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    Technical test to be carried out according to the position.

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    First technical interview with the relevant division.


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    Second interview with our CEO.

Our company culture

Old Skull Games is a creative and innovative workplace, full of jolly pirates with lots of different skills. The thing that brings us together the most is our culture, based on the values of well-being and boldness.

Obviously, we won’t lie to you: the most important thing for us is to make high quality games, but we want to make our games in the spirit of sharing, with pirates who feel heard & understood.

We put a lot of effort into promoting curiosity among our employees, as well as open communication in a comfortable and inclusive environment.

Where we are?

Lyon in france

Lyon combines the highlights of a capital (museums, cultural institutions, entertaining venues) with the energy of an industrial hub, all on a more human scale.

A great blend between a laid-back lifestyle and an active and dynamic city, Lyon is definitely a place you want to crash in and you’ll never run out of options if you want to go out and share new experiences with people around you. And if you feel lonely, you can always count on us to make you discover the beautiful city we’re working in.